Grace + Truth Support Group

Grace + Truth Support Group

For the past several years, a cultural war has emerged around the topic of LGBTQ+. It has been a challenge for most churches to find ways to engage in dialogue outside of vitriol and contempt. In many cases, the church has simply remained silent, not engaging in...

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Anchored Daily Wrap-Up

Anchored Daily Wrap-Up

As we near the three-year anniversary of our Anchored Daily Podcast, we are preparing to wrap up this part of the journey. This podcast was born during a challenging era, as we navigated the complexities of social distancing and restricted in-person gatherings in the...

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“Love Can Build a Bridge” Summit Resources

“Love Can Build a Bridge” Summit Resources

Key take-aways: What does it mean to “love the sinner, hate the sin?”  “You can’t carry 1000 lbs. of truth over a 10 lb. bridge of relationship.” We must acknowledge that God hates sin. There are legit times when sin must be addressed, but if there is...

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FCA Fitness Arrives at Bethel Church

FCA Fitness Arrives at Bethel Church

Have you noticed the renovations at the gymnasium? Bethel Church has collaborated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) to transform the gymnasium studio into a versatile Functional Fitness space for people of all ages and fitness levels. As part of our...

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Healing + Recovery Groups

Are you or someone you know walking through a season of loss or personal struggle? Don’t go it alone. Join one of our healing and recovery groups to walk with others that are going through a similar season. For more information, contact care@bethel.chMEN & WOMEN...

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Assistance Programs in Tri-Cities

Bethel currently offers assistance to those in need by working through our community partners to address needs in our community. We have web links to those assistance programs in the Tri-Cities that may help you. We pray that you will reach sustainability in all areas...

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The Heart behind moving to Two Services

Hear the heart behind the move to two Sunday services starting on September 10. We hope this change will allow us to serve each other well and teach the love of Jesus to our youth and kids.

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Pray for FFHM

 Please uphold the FFHM staff and leadership in your prayers as they make decisions regarding children and their futures. Pray each mission continues to be a source of love and light that leads children to Jesus. Pray for children who have experienced loss and trauma...

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Pray for CVC

Please uphold the opportunities CVC staff have in their outreach to Muslim refugees. Of primary importance is the need to build trust and relationships necessary to share our faith with those who are coming from a very strong culture. Pray also for those Bethel teams...

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Pray for AIM

“Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.” ~ John Bunyan.   Bethel and AIM believe the power of prayer is not in those who pray but in the One who hears our prayers and answers them. There’s both strength and humility in talking to...

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Pray for South Asia

Please uphold all the ministry opportunities our Partner pursues. In addition to their own community of University students, professors, and slum families, they passionately target an Unreached People Group in their region. Pray...

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Attend one, Serve one this Fall

Attend one, Serve one this Fall

As Pastor Adam mentioned on Sunday, when we move to two services we'll each have the opportunity to attend one service and serve at another. If you're already serving with a team on Sunday mornings, be praying about how you can continue or even increase the...

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