Bethel Local Outreach seeks to join Jesus in His mission to redeem the people around us through care, compassion, and service. Through building bridges in our local community, partnering with local agencies, and equipping the saints (you), we are able to show the love and compassion of Jesus to our broken and hurting community. How is God calling you to serve your neighbors?
Bethel supports many organizations throughout our community. This list includes a bit about each partner, their mission, ways to serve with them, and ways you could pray for them.
Our Local Outreach Ministry hosts a few community events every year, and we rely on your help to make it happen!

Grace Kitchen is a nonprofit that offers hope and opportunity for lasting change to women survivors of trafficking, addiction, homelessness and poverty.
Grace Kitchen is a nonprofit that offers hope and opportunity for lasting change to women survivors of trafficking, addiction, homelessness and poverty. We do this by fostering a community of grace where women learn job and life skills that enable them to gain sustainable employment and a secure future for themselves and their children. We provide job training, employment, discipleship, and friendship through our many job training opportunities.
- Providing breakfast or lunch on our Thursday community outreach day
- Organizing or volunteering at our store
- Become an advocate
- Provide hygiene kits for the women
- Cleaning or administration work
- Grant-writing
- Photography or haircuts
- Watching the front desk during staff meetings and training
- We want to see women experience Jesus’s love and power to transform their lives, and their families lives.
- We desire to see patterns of destructive behaviors and addictions broken by the power of the Gospel.
- We are also dreaming of having a residential housing program for the women of Grace Kitchen while they are enrolled in our job training program.

Grace Clinic provides free medical, dental and mental health services to uninsured adults in the Tri-Cities.
Our mission is to bring Christ’s love and healing to those in need by providing free medical, dental and mental health services to uninsured adults in our community.
- Health care professionals
- Administrative help
- That we can share Christ’s love through practical acts of compassion by providing free, high-quality healthcare services to those in need and that we will uphold and defend the dignity and value of every human as created in God’s image.

Fellowship of Christian Atheletes have a goal to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Our mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We use the platform and influence of sports, athletes, and coaches to share the Gospel and make disciples that make disciples. We serve coaches, athletes, schools, and community sports and their families.
- In our local schools: leading youth leaders in discipleship, physically attending schools as club supervisor, administrative support to prep student huddle meetings, food donations for meetings (pizza, donuts, baked goods)
- FCA Sports – soccer/basketball: coach, ref, equipment set-up, concessions management, team “chaplain” to help coaches disciple
- Events: fundraising, community outreach, service projects
- Hosting Groups at your home: huddles, trainings, discipleship gatherings
- Prayer Team
- Community Advocate: sharing the mission and vision of FCA with local businesses to grow ministry with more financial partnerships
- FCA Soccer – for our 1st season, administration, training, coaching and discipling coaches, athletes, and their families
- FCA Fitness – to start FCA Fitness classes/small groups in the gym studio to reach 3630
- Volunteers and Funding – for more volunteers and financial partners to fuel ministry growth

B5 delivers educational classes and after-school programs for refugee families as a bridge to their success.
Our mission is to help refugee families thrive in their new home by offering English and citizenship classes for adults, tutoring and mentoring for high school youth, and after school programs for elementary aged kids.
- Assist with adult English classes (morning time)
- Mentor a high school student (help with language acquisition and school classes)
- Work with adults as an English conversation mentor
- Our prayer is that God will use this ministry to develop life-long cross-cultural relationships that break down language, cultural, and religious barriers between people groups in our community.

We serve delicious and nutritious meals at eight different senior dining centers within Benton and Franklin counties, and volunteers deliver Meals on Wheels to the homebound elderly.
Our mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life at home, with dignity and care by delivering meals to homebound seniors, as well as having eight dining centers for congregate dining.
- Deliver meals to seniors
- Package food in the kitchen.

The Arc of Tri-Cities helps create opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to participate in society to their greatest potential.
The Arc of Tri-Cities promotes the rights of all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by actively supporting full inclusion and participation in all aspects of the community throughout their lives.
- Seasonal outdoor building and yard maintenance
- Engage with clients during activities and programs
- Help with fundraisers or events

At Boys & Girls Clubs, we strive to provide a place where all kids and teens feel safe and comfortable, just the way they are.
The mission of the Boys & Girls Club is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. We do this through community clubhouses and licensed childcare programs so kids feel safe and comfortable.
- Seasonal outdoor building and yard maintenance
- Engage with clients during activities and programs
- Help with fundraisers or events

Creating communities of support that empower students for lasting success. In schools & beyond!
Communities In Schools of Benton-Franklin (CISBF) is dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and on a path to a brighter future. Working directly inside 34 schools in Richland, Kennewick, Pasco, Prosser and Finley, we connect kids to caring adults and community resources designed to help them succeed. In partnership with local communities, we do whatever it takes to ensure that all kids—regardless of the challenges they may face—have what they need to realize their potential.
- Collect and deliver food items to school districts
- Pack and distribute meals
- Organize food pantries
- Do a holiday food drive
- Help Student Support Coordinators at school district events (i.e. open house, family engagement night)

Inviting young people to experience life as God designed it to be lived.
- Serve as a volunteer or leader in the schools
- Committee role within the Young Life organization
- We are praying for more leaders to build sustainable and consistent clubs

Habitat is founded on the conviction that every person should have a simple, decent, affordable, home in which to live in dignity and safety.
At Habitat for Humanity we seek to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. We promote decent, affordable housing for all and support the commitment to housing as a basic human right.
- That God would continue to bless our efforts and strengthen our community ties and partnerships in all aspects of our community engagement, not just financially.
- That everyone in Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla counties has the opportunity for decent, safe, and affordable housing.

For those who have been forced, tricked or threatened into sex work or any minor involved in trade.
Mirror Ministries’ mission is to respond to domestic minor sex trafficking with the love of Christ through local education, intervention, restoration, and aftercare. Our vision is to see local victims of sex trafficking become survivors who have hope, healing, and restoration.
- We like to say that you can do what you love to end what you hate. Where God has equipped or gifted you — He will show a way to use those gifts to serve the hurting. Such as your love of cooking!
- You can work with clients in therapy or classes or be behind the scenes by decorating or cleaning.
- There is a unique place for every skill and talent in the movement to bring hope to survivors of sex trafficking – reach out to us to learn more!
- Bring freedom, hope, and restoration to those who are being commercially sexually exploited in our community one precious soul at a time.

Empowering Individuals to Make Life-Affirming Choices
Whether you’ve discovered an unexpected pregnancy or have sexual health issues, You Medical is here for you. We provide a safe place for confidential testing free of charge. You are always our first concern at You Medical. Let us help you make informed and empowered decisions for today and your future.
- Client advocate and mentors to work with women that come into the clinic (Spanish speaking in high demand)
- Lawn care and janitorial services – great for group projects!
- Help sort through donations for the clinic boutique
- Meet with the father of the baby to address concerns and needs during partner’s pregnancy decision and beyond
- That individuals facing an unexpected pregnancy and related sexual issues find guidance and hope are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ
- That women would choose life for their babies

Tri-City Union Gospel Mission is a Christ-centered organization desiring to see homeless, hopeless, and hurting people in our community become transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We serve all who God brings our way and do so with love, compassion, and urgency as we see them experience lasting change through our Rescue, Recovery, and Restoration programs.
- Chapel services and classes
- Food services
- SOS Outreach
- Hospitality ministry and day room attendants
- Special events
- Community outreach and clothing distribution
- Donate items posted on our website’s Urgent Needs List
- We want to expand the UGM’s core programs by building the new Women’s Shelter on the property we’ve purchased in Kennewick.
- We also want to expand our outreach services to the streets and in partnership with our supporting churches, and by adding services to the Spanish-speaking population.
- Finally, we want to be able to provide viable economic and spiritual stability to the men and women who graduate from our programs.

For over 25 years, World Relief TC, dedicated churches, volunteers & agencies have served new refugees.
At World Relief, our mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. We serve refugees seeking asylum in fear of persecution by assisting with the resettlement into the USA by orientation to services and resources; acquisition of identification; English-learning; job-search assistance, etc.
- Mentoring individuals or families
- Tutoring
- ES classes
- Transportation
- Utilizing one’s employment history, skills and giftedness
- Event planning
- The connection of genuine friendships through service that creates compassionate relationships that represent Christlikeness.

Giving a helping hand to those who need it!
Our mission is to make disciples through consistent service and relationship opportunities by serving meals and eating alongside people in need throughout the Tri-Cities. Three nights a week, we provide a free hot meal to help reduce hunger and build relationships with the underprivileged in our community. We provide a safe environment for guests to come for food and fellowship and we aim to display the love of Christ in serving our guests. On average, we serve 150 meals per week.
- Partner with a Bethel small group to support their serving efforts by helping to provide food or extra volunteers, when needed.
- Consider serving regularly with your small group or family by providing, preparing, and/or serving a meal.
- Soul Soup is 100% volunteer and donation supported. Financial donations help offset our food costs. Gift cards for bulk purchases from Costco or US Food Service are extremely helpful. Donations can be mailed to Kennewick First United Methodist Church. Cash donations should be written to KFUMC with “Soul Soup” in the designated memo line.
- Donate needed canned, dry, and/or paper goods.
- We would love to see Soul Soup as the vehicle that God uses to make disciples in those who serve and those who are served.
- Continued expansion of Soul Soup as an ecumenical ministry reaching more people in our community.
- That the needy and marginalized in our community will find Soul Soup and receive food and a welcoming environment that points guests toward Jesus.

Our mission is to serve others with exemplary spiritual, emotional, and physical care. Our team guides, comforts, and cares for people experiencing serious illness, end of life, loss, and grief.
- Administrative support – filing, data entry, putting together packets
- Assist families after they have lost a loved one (training provided)
- Craft volunteers – create unique handmade items for our patients and families (hospital gowns, quilts, blankets)
- Special events volunteer – help the outreach team by providing event support
- Repeat Boutique Thrift Store volunteer – receive donations, assist customers, help with special projects
- Grow a team of dedicated volunteers to serve at the Hospice House, Cork’s Place, and at the Repeat Boutique
This year, we made the difficult decision not to host Night to Shine due to several factors. We didn’t have the capacity to meet the planning requirements while ensuring the quality and excellence the event deserves.
This decision wasn’t easy, as we value every opportunity to serve and celebrate individuals with special needs and their families. We continue to pray for opportunities to love and serve our community well in the future, and we are so grateful for your understanding.
We believe one way true faith should be expressed is through serving the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our local community. At our annual LocalFest, you’ll have the opportunity to meet some of our local partners and see how you can use your unique skills and passions to share Jesus, as we serve together on mission at Bethel and in our community.