Update on Sunday’s Fire Alarm

On Sunday, January 14th, ice in the fire suppression system caused a sprinkler head to rupture in one of the offices. This triggered a fire alarm in the building during the second service, which required a full evacuation.

First, we want to express our gratitude to the safety team for leading the way and keeping everyone safe! Additionally, thank you to all of our childcare workers, ushers, middle school leaders, and staff for making sure everyone was safely evacuated.

Second, we’d like to provide an update. After much of the water was cleaned up from the first rupture, a second break occurred in the same office. The flooding in the four exterior, lower floor offices is extensive. The fire suppression system in that line of offices will be inspected and repaired. There is quite a bit of restoration work needed in four of the downstairs offices and foyer area; we are working with a team to ensure that the cleanup occurs safely.

And finally, please know that all scheduled ministry events will proceed this week as planned. The office will be open regular hours this week. The building is safe, and we have additional safety protocols in place for the office area during the cleanup and repair.

Thank you again to all who helped in many ways – we are grateful for our Bethel family!