Have you noticed the renovations at the gymnasium? Bethel Church has collaborated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) to transform the gymnasium studio into a versatile Functional Fitness space for people of all ages and fitness levels. As part of our...
Hear the heart behind the move to two Sunday services starting on September 10. We hope this change will allow us to serve each other well and teach the love of Jesus to our youth and...
As Pastor Adam mentioned on Sunday, when we move to two services we’ll each have the opportunity to attend one service and serve at another. If you’re already serving with a team on Sunday mornings, be praying about how you can continue or even...
Bethel West Pasco officially launched as Imago Dei Community Church on August 1st. As they transition to an independent church, Bethel Richland has committed to surrounding them with our care and prayers. There are a host of ways Bethel Richland staff and...
Hi Bethel Family! As you know, we pivoted to a shared leadership approach for worship early in 2023. It was the best plan we had for worship leadership across the three campuses, and Addie and Andy were willing to work together and take on these additional...
Hello Parents! As you know we have been without a director in the kids ministry for a few months now, and this vacuum of leadership has been a difficult season for our kids staff. They have shoulder and carried this well, but as we enter into the fall, and...