Equip Fitness powered by FCA in partnership with Bethel Church is ready to OPEN on FEB 1!

Are you interested in joining a class?

What is Equip Fitness?

Krystal Peterson felt called to start a community-focused, fitness ministry through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) with Bethel Church, her church home since 2014. Through many donors, Bethel support and God’s hand, the renovation of the Bethel fitness area is complete and ready to open for all community members. This will be a platform to invite, create community and trust, and focus on overall wellness (mind, body and spirit). Gym classes will all be coach-led and will be functional fitness exercise in a group setting, yet customized to each individual based on ability.

Who is invited to join?

Ages 5-12 (KidsFit) and teens through 100+. Keep a look out for upcoming ALL ABILITIES classes starting soon.

When can I get more information before signing up?

During your Orientation class, you can ask all your questions, receive a tour, and complete your first workout.  Then you can register for a free week to continue trying out the gym and environment. Check out our gym calendar for upcoming orientations!

Where is it located?

Bethel Church, Richland in the gymnasium facility at 600 Shockley Road

Why should I join?

We are better together.  We all need community, need physical movement and most thrive with accountability.  Our mission is discipleship and as a Bethel Family this a great opportunity to connect with our community while getting a workout, building relationships to allow you to invite someone across the parking lot to church or into your small group.