Kids Ministry Director Update

Hello Parents! 

As you know we have been without a director in the kids ministry for a few months now, and this vacuum of leadership has been a difficult season for our kids staff. They have shoulder and carried this well, but  as we enter into the fall, and move to two services we have asked Jared Crowell to enter into the kids director position. Starting August 1st Jared will be Interim Kids Associate Director”. You’ll be seeing him a lot more, and he is kind of hard to miss, young guy, big beard.  I have known Jared for years, and his passion for gospel community, care of people, strategic thinking and desire to see family follow Jesus make him a natural fit in this role. He is young, we see that, but he is skilled enough to lead and humble enough to learn. I am excited for on this staff team for the next season of kids ministry as we continue to seek what the Lord has for us as a church, and us as a ministry. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

James Fairfield



Here are a few words from Jared:  

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Jared! I have been serving as a Next-Gen Ministry staff member for the past 4 ½ years working with Young Adults, High Schoolers, Middle Schoolers, Pre-Teens, and now Kid’s Ministry. I have a beautiful wife, Bekah, and last summer, we had our first baby, Rowan, who is now almost a year old. With a growing family, a heart for leading and serving young people, and a passion for seeing my son and all of our kids in a thriving relationship with Jesus, James Fairfield asked if I would be interested in stepping into serving and leading with our Kid’s Ministry. After many conversations and much time in prayer, the Lord showed us both that it would be  good for me to take the next season to learn about the Kid’s Ministry and help provide some leadership. 

I am excited to say I am starting August 1st, I will be serving as Interim Director position to help serve and lead in this ministry. I am excited to serve alongside you all as we partner both in parenting our kids and serving our kids. I also hope to be able to connect with all of you at some point! So if you see me in the hall on Sunday come say hi or feel free to send me an email or a text! I would love to get to know you! If you would like to connect, please reach out to me! I look forward to partnering with you!


Jared Crowell
