Like The Shirt Says

It’s alright if you don’t remember my name. What’s important is you remember what’s on the cool T-shirt I wear every once in a while. With three simple words—Prayer Changes Things. Jesus was passionate about prayer and demonstrated it often. He knew the Divine power...

A Prayer for Israel and Gaza

When confronted with the unsettling realities of our world, it can be challenging to know what to think, say, or do. As a congregation, we’ve made a deliberate effort in recent years to engage in hard topics. We had the Imago Dei sermon series and welcomed Tim...

Adult Ministry Update

We recently shared an update about the Haslar family (if you missed it, you can read it here). Our leadership and adult ministry teams have been praying and planning, and now have an update to share with you. Here is how we plan to proceed with Adult Ministry in this...

Let’s Talk About Race: Ten Possible Next Steps

We encourage you to keep this conversation and exploration moving forward. We commit to being a positive voice in this space, as with humble hearts we seek biblical truth around difficult topics. 1- PRAY:  All are welcome for a time of corporate prayer –...

Elder Prayer: Scott’s Story

It was a Monday night, one week ago. We had an elder meeting and as chairman, it was my responsibility to get us through the agenda, moderate the discussion, keep the peace, all that kind of thing. But I really didn’t want to go. Two weeks prior, I had strained my...

Staff Update: The Haslars

We wanted to share a staffing update regarding Matthew and Kate Haslar. Over the past year and a half, Matthew has made a significant impact as our Adult Discipleship Director, and he also stepped in as the interim West Pasco Campus Pastor. We’ve genuinely...