For the valley

We’ve seen God work in the Lower Valley, through so many faithful people.

Voting Results

The voting results from the 2024 Bethel Family Business Meeting are in!

Bethel Elder Candidate

We are excited to announce that Phil George is being presented as a candidate for Bethel Elder. Bethel Elders are responsible for the spiritual guidance and direction of our church.

Deacon update

The Bethel Elders have some information about two upcoming Deacon roles here at Bethel in Richland.

Nominations will remain open until May 23rd, 2024

Imago Dei Community Church Update

An Update on Imago Dei Community Church In 2023 the Bethel West Pasco Campus launched on their own as Imago Dei Community Church. We are encouraged to hear about the ways God has been working in their midst and growing them as people who value Worship, Community, and...

easter at bethel 2024

easter at bethel 2024 THIS WEEKEND WE EXPLORED HOW JESUS HOLDS THE KEYS   Jesus’ resurrection is a victory. Jesus holds the keys to your life. Were you able to join us this Easter? If you missed the message or would like to watch again, please watch our...