The fourth annual Bethel Summit took place last Saturday. Thank you to everyone who participated, from those who attended to the speakers and volunteers. It was an uplifting time for everyone!
This year’s theme of Leading Together: Every Disciple, Every Generation was a timely and relevant topic. Pastor Adam opened in the main session and challenged Bethel to be an intergenerational church that does life and ministry together, rather than just a multigenerational church that has attendees of various ages. If you missed it, you can see the whole message in this video. Â
Four breakout sessions included various topics on cross-generational team building and discipleship, and a fun lunch panel discussion included representation from Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, helping us to all understand the perspectives and insights from generations different than ours. We thank God for His faithfulness to us, demonstrated through all generations.
The Bethel Summit is every year in August and is designed to be a time of learning and encouragement to anyone who serves or wants to serve, in our church body. Whether you were at this year’s summit or not, Is there a next step that God is calling you to take through service at Bethel?
Are you interested in getting connected at Bethel but not sure where to start or what your next step is? Join us Sunday, Sept 8th after each service to visit ministry tables and learn what we have to offer this fall. Whether you’re new to faith or have been following Jesus for years, this is the perfect opportunity to find ways to grow spiritually and build connections within the Bethel community.