2023-2024 Bethel Elders: Prayer & Connection

Connect With an Elder:  NOV 19, DEC 17, FEB 25, APR 21, JUL 21, AUG 25  After each service in the Connect Center Elder Prayer for the Hurting:  OCT 22, JAN 21, MAR 17, JUN 9 10:00-10:30A in Desert View Town Hall:  OCT 29, JAN 28, MAY 19 5:00-6:00P...

Grace + Truth Support Group

For the past several years, a cultural war has emerged around the topic of LGBTQ+. It has been a challenge for most churches to find ways to engage in dialogue outside of vitriol and contempt. In many cases, the church has simply remained silent, not engaging in...

Anchored Daily Wrap-Up

As we near the three-year anniversary of our Anchored Daily Podcast, we are preparing to wrap up this part of the journey. This podcast was born during a challenging era, as we navigated the complexities of social distancing and restricted in-person gatherings in the...

“Love Can Build a Bridge” Summit Resources

Key take-aways: What does it mean to “love the sinner, hate the sin?”  “You can’t carry 1000 lbs. of truth over a 10 lb. bridge of relationship.” We must acknowledge that God hates sin. There are legit times when sin must be addressed, but if there is...

FCA Fitness Arrives at Bethel Church

Have you noticed the renovations at the gymnasium? Bethel Church has collaborated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) to transform the gymnasium studio into a versatile Functional Fitness space for people of all ages and fitness levels. As part of our...