Experience the joy of the season with our Songs of Advent Sermon Series! These songs are heartfelt expressions of joy, wonder, and praise celebrating Jesus’ arrival. Join us for one of our two Sunday services at 8:45 AM or 10:30 AM, designed to fit into your busy holiday schedule.
every sunday in december
Christmas Cheer
Every Sunday in December, we’re spreading Christmas Cheer with something for everyone—from a hot cocoa bar to festive treats in the lobby. Join us to connect, make memories, and experience the joy and excitement of the season – don’t miss out on the holiday fun!

candlelight service
Christmas eve
On Christmas Eve, come early or stay after the service to capture the moment with free family portraits, available afterward on our Facebook page. Our Christmas Eve services at 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM will feature Christmas carols, a meaningful message, and a beautiful candle lighting to celebrate the season. We’ll have childcare for kids ages 0-5. We’d love to celebrate Christmas with you!