Christmas For Everyone

This holiday season, you can make a difference by joining others at Bethel’s Toy Store event, helping bring hope and dignity to families in need through the Christmas for Everyone program.

Town Hall Recap

Sunday’s Town Hall brought our church family together for connection and insightful updates.

Open Position: Operations Director

We are currently searching for an Operations Director to join our Bethel staff team, providing leadership in finance, compliance, human resources and facilities management.

Outreach Focus – Tri-Cities Chaplaincy

The team from Tri-Cities Chaplaincy focuses on the entire person – their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Supporting residents in Richland, Kennewick, Pasco and surrounding areas of Benton and Franklin Counties, they guide, comfort and care for those experiencing serious illness, crisis, loss and grief.

Staff Update

We’d like to share some bittersweet news with you about our very own, Angie Hufford.