A Journey in Learning to Pray

by Vern Francis Bethel Christian Writers Jim was a new Christian and everything about his life with Christ was fresh and exciting. This included the many activities at the church. After all, it was the church that introduced him to this new life. Prayer meeting was on...

Imagine What It Was Like for the Angels

by Pete Edwards, Bethel Christian Writers In the Beginning . . .  We read how God put in motion His plans for our world and every intricate detail of the entire universe. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1 NKJV). We...

Who is My Neighbor?

by Bryan Ruby, Bethel Christian Writers Has anyone ever set you up with a loaded question? And somewhere deep in the recesses of your mind, you knew it would be better to feign a kidney stone than respond? Maybe the query came across with a masked, Bambi-ish...

Only a Tiny Pebble

by Bryan Ruby, Bethel Christian Writers Do you find a passion . . . or does a passion find you? Something you love so much it calls you to lace up your Mizunos at 4:35 a.m. to hit the running path?  I was in my happy place. AirPods pumping music loud enough to...

Dancing With My Friend, King David

by Bryan Ruby, Bethel Christian Writers Scene One Opening Night Jitters  The evening had finally arrived when I walked into the 5:00 call for volunteers at 4:50 p.m. It wasn’t a surprise to find the foyer and auditorium already abuzz with excitement—Night to...