What is a Deacon?

According to our bylaws: Deacons shall be men and women (Deaconess) of evident Christian
commitment in both their personal and public lives, and must meet the qualifications for the
office set forth in I Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:2-6, as well as meet the requirements of the
Bethel Membership Covenant.

A deacon is a helper and a faithful servant to the church he/she is appointed to serve.
Deacons shall be men or women who follow Jesus wholeheartedly and whose lives reflect
their love of God and others; they must be trustworthy, sober-minded, committed, spiritually
mature, and relationally healthy. The role of the deacon is to serve in the area of their
assignment, to protect and promote church unity, and to work alongside and support
ministries. Deacons are skilled at planning, organizing, managing, connecting with others and
building teams. Deacons serve a three year renewable term.

 Who are our current Deacons?

We currently have a Finance Deacon, Bob Lagonegro, who leads our Finance Commission.
Last year, we introduced two new Deacon roles: Congregational Care Deacon, held by Eric
Talbott, and Church Grounds Deacon, held by Brian Hoover. This year, we are adding another
role, the Church Facilities Deacon.

Church Facilities Deacon: This Deacon partners with Bethel staff and volunteers to oversee
the care, maintenance, and improvement of the Richland buildings.

How can I nominate someone?
Simply fill out the nomination form; the form will be open until May 22nd.
Church Facilities Deacon

What happens after nominations

According to our bylaws: Names of prospective Bethel Deacon candidates shall be submitted
to the Executive Pastor/Team one month prior to the annual business meeting by any
member of the church. All names will be considered by the Executive Team and Bethel Elder
Board. The selected candidate for the Deacon position will then be presented to the members
two (2) weeks prior to a business meeting where they will be voted on. Approval is by a simple
majority of those members present and voting. Bethel Deacons shall be elected to a three (3)
year renewable term.

When will the new Deacon start?

At the Annual Family Business Meeting, we will have the opportunity to vote on the candidate
presented for this Deacon role. The new Deacon will officially start on Aug 1st 2025, the
beginning of our fiscal year

Questions: email executiveteam@bethel.ch 

Link to: Bethel Constitution and Bylaws