Galatians 4:4-5
“When the time came to completion, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”

Week 1 | Bringing Christmas Home: Teaching Kids About God’s Promises
In our lesson, we’ll focus on how the Old Testament prophets, like Isaiah and Micah, shared messages from God about a coming Messiah. These prophets lived hundreds of years before Jesus was born, but their words pointed forward to His arrival. They foretold details about Jesus’ birth, from His birthplace in Bethlehem to His name, “Immanuel,” meaning “God with us.” This lesson reminds us that God’s promises are trustworthy and that He had a plan to save us from the very beginning.
Bible Passage: Isaiah 7; 9; 11; Micah 5
Key Point: Prophets told about the Messiah
Big Idea: Everything God said about Jesus’ birth came true.
To make this lesson part of your family’s week, we’ve put together a few ideas for incorporating the message into your daily routines. These simple, intentional moments can help your child connect the story to their life and see how God’s promises unfold.
- Morning Reminder: Start the day by telling your child, “God’s promises are always true! Today, let’s remember that He loves us and keeps His promises.”
- In the Car: Ask, “What would you think if God told you something amazing was going to happen in the future?” This can lead to a conversation about how God shared His promise of Jesus with the prophets and how we can trust His promises today.
- Dinner Discussion: Read Isaiah 9:6 together. Talk about the names of Jesus—Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace—and ask what each of these names might mean.
Bedtime Reflection: End the day with a prayer, thanking God for His promises and for sending Jesus to be our Savior. A simple prayer of gratitude can help your child appreciate the true gift of Christmas.
Fun Family Activity Ideas
For Fun: Create a “Promise Ornament” as a family by decorating an ornament that represents God’s promises to us. This simple craft can be a great way to bring the lesson into your home.
To Serve: Write a “Promise of Hope” card for a neighbor or friend, sharing the message of hope that Jesus brings. This small act of kindness is a meaningful way to live out the story together.
In Community: Winter Wonderland is December 5th & 6th starting at 5:30P at John Dam Plaza in Richland.
Week 2 | The Christmas Story Continues – God Chooses Mary and Joseph
In this lesson, kids will learn about the angelic announcements to Mary and Joseph. Both Mary and Joseph were given an important message about Jesus—Mary, that she would be the mother of God’s Son, and Joseph, that he would protect and care for them as a family. This story reminds us that God had a specific plan for Jesus’ birth and prepared people to be part of His redemptive story.
Bible Passage: Matthew 1; Luke 1
Key Point: God chose a family for Jesus
Big Idea: God’s plan involves ordinary people with extraordinary faith.
Here are some practical ways you can share this lesson with your child and integrate it into your everyday moments. These conversations and activities can help reinforce the importance of trusting God’s plans for our lives.
- Morning Reminder: As your child starts the day, share a simple encouragement: “God has a purpose for each of us, just like He had a purpose for Mary and Joseph.”
- In the Car: Ask, “What would you do if an angel gave you a message from God?” Talk about how Mary and Joseph must have felt and discuss the faith they had in God’s plan.
- Dinner Discussion: Read Luke 1:30-31 together, where the angel tells Mary she will be the mother of Jesus. Talk about how Mary and Joseph trusted God even when they didn’t fully understand His plan.
- Bedtime Reflection: Pray together, thanking God for inviting us into His story. Remind your child that, like Mary and Joseph, they are an important part of God’s plan, too.
Fun Family Activity Ideas
For Fun: Create “Angel Messages” together by writing down or drawing encouraging messages for each other. Take turns sharing them as a reminder of the angel’s message to Mary and Joseph.
To Serve: Encourage your child to reach out to someone with a kind word or action this week, just as the angel reached out with good news. It could be as simple as writing a thank-you card or helping a friend.
In Community: Join in on the fun at the All Ages Holiday Crafts at the Richland Public Library on December 12th at 6:00P. Additionally, on December 14th there is a Family Game Day at the Richland Public Library. This event starts at 9:00A, but goes all day.
Week 3 | Celebrating Jesus’ Birth – The Miracle of Christmas
In this lesson, we’ll dive into the miraculous night when Jesus was born. Kids will hear how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, how Jesus was born in humble surroundings, and how angels shared the good news with nearby shepherds. This lesson teaches that Jesus’ arrival brings us peace and that God’s love reached down to us through His Son.
Bible Passage: Isaiah 9; Luke 2
Key Point: Jesus brings peace between God and people
Big Idea: God sent Jesus to be with us, showing us His love in the most personal way.
These everyday activities can help your child connect with the story of Jesus’ birth, making it a meaningful part of your family’s week. Use these ideas to spark conversations and deepen your child’s understanding of Christmas.
- Morning Reminder: Share a joyful reminder as you start the day: “Today, let’s remember that Jesus was born to bring peace and love to the world!”
- In the Car: Ask, “What do you think it was like for the shepherds to see angels and hear about Jesus’ birth?” Talk about how this surprising announcement shows that God’s love is for everyone.
- Dinner Discussion: Read Luke 2:10-11 together, where the angel announces Jesus’ birth to the shepherds. Discuss how amazing it is that God’s Son was born in such a humble place.
- Bedtime Reflection: Say a prayer of thanksgiving together, thanking God for sending Jesus to be our Savior and Friend.
Fun Family Activity Ideas
For Fun: Create a nativity scene together using craft supplies, toys, or even household items. Encourage your child to retell the story of Jesus’ birth as you place each figure, helping them remember the events.
To Serve: As a family, do something kind for a neighbor or friend to share the joy of Christmas. Consider baking cookies, writing cards, or doing a small act of service to spread God’s love in your community.
In Community: The Richland Library is. hosting a Holiday Movie Marathon on December 21st at 11:00A.
Week 5 | The Wise Men Visit Jesus – Honoring the King
This lesson introduces the wise men who saw the star and traveled to worship Jesus, bringing gifts fit for a king—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Their journey reminds us of the joy and honor that Jesus deserves as the Savior of the world. By following God’s guidance, the wise men set an example of devotion and reverence that we can all follow.
Bible Passage: Matthew 2
Key Point: The wise men worshiped Jesus as King
Big Idea: Jesus is worthy of honor and worship, and He is the Savior for all people.
Here are some ideas for weaving this story into your week. These simple activities and conversations can help your child understand the meaning behind the wise men’s journey and how we, too, can honor Jesus.
- Morning Reminder: Start the day with an encouragement: “Today, let’s remember that Jesus is our King, and we can honor Him with love and kindness.”
- In the Car: Ask, “Why do you think the wise men traveled so far to see Jesus?” Talk about how much they wanted to honor Jesus and how special their gifts were.
- Dinner Discussion: Read Matthew 2:10-11 together, where the wise men bring their gifts to Jesus. Ask your child what gift they would bring to honor Jesus and discuss what it means to give Him our best.
- Bedtime Reflection: Pray together, thanking God for sending Jesus to be our Savior and our King. Remind your child that Jesus welcomes everyone, just as He welcomed the wise men.
Fun Family Activity Ideas
For Fun: Have a “Gift for Jesus” activity. Let each family member write down one way they can honor Jesus in the new year—by showing kindness, helping others, or spending time in prayer. Place these “gifts” in a special place as a reminder of how we can honor Jesus daily.
To Serve: Take time as a family to serve others this week, whether by donating items, making a meal for a neighbor, or helping in the community. This act of giving can be a way to reflect the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.
In Community: Join in on the fun at the Candyland at the Library on December 30th at 12:00P at the Richland Public Library.
Additional Resources for Parents
The Parent Cue App offers more ways to reinforce this week’s lesson, with videos, devotionals, and family activities. You can also visit The Gospel Project website for additional tools to explore the lesson at home.
Thank You for Celebrating Christmas with Us!
It’s a joy to walk through the Christmas story with your family. If you have any questions or need support, please reach out—we’re here to help your family grow in faith together.