This weekend in June, many families gathered here at Bethel for Family Fest. A ‘vacation bible school’ for the whole family, where parents were encouraged to connect with their kids (and put their phones away)! We danced like fools, followed our children’s lead, and formed relationships with other parents.

A giant board game

After arriving on Friday and being welcomed by our hosts ‘Lolli’ & ‘Pop’, families formed teams and split up to complete some fantastic mini games together. Each game was hosted by staff who were eager to teach and share how God encourages us to connect with our kids. We made oobleck (pictured), elephant toothpaste, played in a balloon ball pit, and fished with our feet — just to name a few. Afterward, we laughed and ate at the dessert bar before showing up to dance one more time.


We returned on Saturday for MORE opportunities to connect with our kids. After our first dance party, we listened to a short message about how to be a little bit more unafraid of embarrassment as parents and to embrace being ‘all in’ with our kids. Teaming up with fellow families, we were tasked with completing ‘Adventure Bingo’ with our groups.

This adventure included games for all ages and abilities, with instructions posted and teamwork encouraged. All throughout the church for us to discover! We threw paper airplanes off the balcony in Desert View, got our faces painted (by our kids!) outside Elijah, traveled to the parking lot for mini bike races, and more. There was so much laughter, excitement, and fun to be had all around.

We ended the day with one last dance party, lunch, and traveled out by the gym for Color Wars & Water Fun. The color war was a HUGE hit, and it was so fun to participate as whole families had a blast pelting each other with bags that poofed color. Life truly is sweeter, together.


Did you attend Family Fest? Parents were encouraged to put away their phones & to be present in the moment. We have a fantastic photography team, and these photos will be ready for you soon.