A Bethel Family update, from our Bethel elders: 

This Sunday we shared an important announcement about a strategic pivot in our multi-site approach. You can check out that announcement here if you missed it.

One value we’re striving for as a leadership team is transparent and helpful communication to the Bethel body. We want you to know what’s going on at your church and have an opportunity to ask questions for clarity and understanding where needed. Toward that end, here are three ways to stay informed on this change:

  • Watch:  The Sunday announcement is here if you missed it or want to refresh
  • Read: Check out the FAQs (note: these will continue to be updated after the Town Hall)
  • Attend: Each campus will host a Town Hall meeting this Thursday, March 30 at 6P, where we’ll answer pre-submitted questions. Please submit those questions here or email them to executiveteam@bethel.ch by Tuesday, March 28 at 5P

We believe this change is the direction God is leading us, and we are hopeful that it will catalyze a bigger Kingdom impact at all three of our campuses. But we’ve been through a lot of change together as a church, and change is hard—even good change.

In times like these, it’s helpful to meditate on what the author of Hebrews said about Jesus: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13.8). Bethel church is Jesus’ church, so we can trust that as we walk through change, Jesus remains unchanged and unphased. He is our heavy anchor in the storm and our sturdy, unmovable foundation when things are shaken. He goes with us when we step out in faith: guiding our steps, strengthening our hands, and bearing fruit through our labors.

So, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and let’s walk together as Jesus would have us. Ephesians 4:1-3 tells us, “Therefore I urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

May it be so with us.

We look forward to seeing you at the various Town Halls on Thursday night, and continuing to grow together as we live on mission for the sake of the 3630. It’s a privilege to do life together with you.

In Christ, 

Your Bethel Elders

Scott Chambers

Greg Williams

Scott Godwin

Zenon Thornton

Dave Dawson

Adam Phillips