Town hall recap - january 2025
Sunday’s Town Hall was a meaningful time for our church family to connect and hear important updates about what God is doing at Bethel. Over 80 of us gathered to celebrate, reflect, and engage in open dialogue through a live Q&A with our Elders. Here’s a recap of what was shared:

Each of our Elders took time to celebrate the ways God is working in our church. From welcoming new members to witnessing baptisms and growing in discipleship, there is so much to be thankful for! We’re seeing transformation and growth across our church family.
Staffing updates
We introduced Matt Sammons, our new Operations Director—welcome to the team, Matt! We also shared updates on staffing needs and plans, particularly for local outreach. While we don’t have all the details yet, know that local outreach remains central to who we are as a church, and significant planning is underway. More updates about hiring and next steps will be shared in the months ahead.
We’re blessed to be in strong financial health, with no debt and a reserve fund in place. However, we’re currently seeing a gap between attendance and giving, which presents an opportunity for discipleship and growth in generosity as a congregation.
Looking ahead, the final land payment will be received in March. The Elders are considering asking for a congregational vote this spring to allocate those funds to Capital Reserves for needed updates to our aging building.
Church Launches: West Pasco & Prosser
We shared exciting updates about our two recent church launches: Imago Dei Community Church and Foundation Bible Church. Both are thriving and continuing to reach their communities with the love of Christ.
Church Values
Adam walked us through the collaborative process behind our new church values, which included input from a congregational focus group, Bethel staff, and Elders. Be on the lookout for more about these values, including a sermon series this spring!
We wrapped up the evening with a live Q&A, answering questions submitted by those in attendance. It was a great time to share more details, listen to feedback, and connect as a church family.
Our next Town Hall will be on Sunday, June 1, at 5:00P. We look forward to gathering with you again!